Code of Conduct
Vedasoft is committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct. The standards, improved from time to time, apply to Vedasoft, its directors, officers and employees.
The standards are not exhaustive. The underlying principle of high standards applies to all issues even if they are not covered specifically in the standards. Vedasoft CEO or directors can be contacted to get answers to any questions relating to these standards.
Directors, Officers and Employees are expected to bring all violations to the attention of any non executive member of the Board of Directors. Please send emails to CEO.
Corporate Citizenship
Vedasoft shall be a good corporate citizen and shall comply with the letter and spirit of all laws governing its operations and conduct its affairs in accordance with the highest moral, professional, legal and ethical standards.
Fair Dealing
Vedasoft shall deal with clients, suppliers, government, employees, competitors and community with integrity and in a manner which is fair, honest and ethical. Vedasoft shall not strive to take unfair advantage through any unfair practice.
Fair Behaviour in Market Place
Vedasoft strives to be competitive by adding value to its clients. However, Vedasoft shall at all times respect the law and be fair while being competitive. Vedasoft shall not indulge in violating laws applicable to competitive behavior. Vedasoft shall not indulge in securing competitive advantage through illegal or unlawful means. Collection of intelligence about competitors shall be by lawful means only.
Vedasoft fully respects the intellectual property rights of its clients, suppliers and competitors. Vedasoft’s behavior in respecting intellectual property rights shall strive to comply with applicable laws fully.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Vedasoft is an equal opportunity employer. Vedasoft shall not discriminate on the basis of gender, nationality, race, color, religion, marital status or age. Vedasoft believes diversity of people in the company adds value to the business.
Hiring, promotion and compensation decisions shall be entirely based on fitness for purpose, appropriateness and market conditions.
Health and Safety
Vedasoft shall strive to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. Compliance with all health and safety related laws and regulations are a minimum commitment.